We warmly invite you to join us on the Lord’s Day at CCRPC, as we gather together to worship the Triune God.
The Bible teaches us that the first day of the week is the Christian Sabbath, as expressed in our Confession of Faith (WCF 21.7 and 8). This day is both a duty a delight, and our goal is to keep the day holy, set apart unto the Lord, as commanded (see, for example Isaiah 58.13-14). See below for a description of a typical Lord’s Day ay CCRPC, desiring to approach the Lord appropriately and reverently in worship. For our current Orders of Worship, see the link to the right of the page.
AM Worship Service: 10:00AM
- We typically arrive anywhere from 9 to 9:40 am, spend some time catching up with one another, perhaps having some coffee, then are seated in the sanctuary by 9:45 am to prepare ourselves to worship the Lord. There are orders of worship provided in the back of the church to help worshipers follow along in the worship service.
- Our Worship Services might be described as “traditional,” but we think of them as Biblical, receiving from the Scriptures God’s own declaration of how He will be worshiped by His people. Our Order of Worship and the various things we do in worship are all taken from the Bible, the sufficient rule for all of life. This is not the popular way churches have chosen to worship the Lord, but we believe, with our Reforming Fathers, that this is how the ordering of worship is presented in Scripture. We also are greatly refreshed by stripping away human invention in the worship we give to our Lord, and worshiping Him in Biblical simplicity.
Afternoon Fellowship Meal:
- Families bring a meal and we all sit and eat together, seeking to order our conversations toward that which is helpful and holy on the Lord’s Day.
- Around 1:30, the Pastor sits and spends fifteen minutes or so with the children of the church giving Bible instruction and application.
PM Service: 2:00PM
- All that was said concerning the morning service applies here as well. Our understanding of the Sabbath Day is greatly promoted by holding two worship services on the Lord’s Day, and as one Preacher said it, “It is the Lord’s Day, not the Lord’s hour.” This brief but memorable saying helps us to remember that the Bible speaks of one whole day in seven as a Sabbath of rest, a holy day, unto the Lord.
Catechism: This is simply a way to learn Bible truth by question and answer format. Our Church’s secondary standards include the Westminster Larger and Shorter Catechisms, both of which teach sound Bible doctrine.
- Anywhere from 4-4:15, folks who are going through catechism or Scripture-memory work meet to recite what they’ve studied during the previous week.
- Some others not in the Scripture and catechism memory class usually gather in the kitchen and lounge area of the church catching up, encouraging one another, snacking, etc.
- Some families go to their homes, or have others over for continued fellowship.
- Some also go to the pastor or other members’ homes, spend time having refreshments, sabbath conversation, and sometimes reading over and discussing sections of the Confession of Faith together.
- We have no nursery, as we believe that children belong in the worship service, being the “lambs of Christ.” We do have a “cry room,” and several rocking chairs at the rear of the sanctuary for those with small children as they seek to train them to worship the Lord with the rest of the congregation.
- We partake of the Lord’s Supper weekly, seated at a table in the front of the Sanctuary, following the pattern our Lord used. We receive visitors to our Church to the Lord Supper if they are members in good standing of other confessionally reformed Churches. Please contact the Pastor prior to your visit.
- Our dress code is “respectful” seeking to honor the Lord. This does not mean formal wear, but rather, a remembering of who it is we come to serve–the Lord Himself. In common terms, some of our folks wear “Suit and Tie” others, more “business casual.” What we’re after is attire that is honorable to the Lord, modest in appearance, not ostentations or otherwise distracting.
- We sing the Psalms of Scripture in our worship service, believing that God has commanded us to offer these inspired lyrics to Him in song. We sing from the Scottish psalter as one of the best metrical translations available.
- We read from the Authorized (King James) Version of the Bible, believing that it is the best English translation available from the traditional and ancient texts, providentially preserved pure and entire in all ages.
- We read 2 chapters publicly each worship service as a congregation, one from the Old Testament, and another from the New Testament, or the Psalms. In addition to the Sermon from our pastor, each week we have these readings and brief expositions of the Word of the Lord. We like to say that in the readings, we get the “forest” view, and in the preaching, we get the “trees” or, that greater level of detail. We are whole Bible Christians.
- We do not “pass the plate” in our worship service, believing that our tithes and offerings are acts of private, not public worship, and have a box at the back of the Church for people to use. We do not interrupt the Worship Service by taking an offering publicly, seeing this is not required by the Lord in His Word.
- You will find warm. friendly, and devout folks if you have the opportunity to visit to greet you and make your visit edifying and encouraging. We would love to meet you, and extend some warm, Christian hospitality to you if you’re in the area. Please feel free to visit, that we might magnify the Lord, and exalt His Name together.
* If you are a member in good standing of a Confessional, Reformed Church, and desire to commune with us at the Lord’s Table, please contact the Pastor prior to the morning worship service.